2024 Commitment Form
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Check off all that you commit to.
In 2023/24 I Commit to Tree of Life with the following:
Please select all that apply.
read a poem or quote for chalice lightings. Option
read material chosen by the minister for a worship service.
usher (usually once every 4-6 weeks). Option
be a worship leader (usually once every 6-7 weeks).
serve on the Worship Arts team (meetings 2nd Wed. of each month).
make a pulpit banner or table runner.
tell a story (must coordinate with the minister or speaker).
lead a service (must coordinate with the WA team).
offer suggestions on service topics, potential guest speakers or music groups.
Attend service at least 3 times a month.
Become curious about how adult faith formation programs might enhance your life or support your faith and strengthen community.
Learn about and join a Tree of Life Chalice Circle
Spread the word about the value and experience of Chalice Circles.
Occasionally drop in and participate in our group Mindfulness Practice.
Share with others how mindfulness practice is important to your life and how group practice benefits your personal practice.
Take part in the occasional adult offerings such as Faith Forward Spiritual Practices or UU Theology 101.
Invite others to join any of the Adult Faith Formation programming.
Attend the budget discussion.
Attend congregational meetings.
Serve on the board of trustees.
Make coffee on Sundays (about once a month).
Bring treats for coffee hour at least once this year.
Set up tables for a potluck Sunday.
Help set up for a potluck Sunday.
Help wash dishes after a potluck.
Help put tables away and put chairs back in place after a potluck.
Help plan the annual picnic.
Help set up or tear down for annual picnic.
Lead games at annual picnic; Children's area (games, coloring-picture display, face painting).
Decorate for annual picnic.
Provide music for the annual picnic.
Join the Fellowship committee (meets online once a month).
Lead a fundraiser (service auction, rummage sale, cookie walk, clothing drive, book sale, athletic challenge, your new idea).
Help with a fundraiser.
Participate in a fundraiser (shop and invest).
Work with a committee to brainstorm fundraising plans.
Work with a committee to create an annual budget.
Work with a committee to develop an annual pledge drive.
Work with a committee to do long term financial planning.
Attend a session on Generosity.
Host a session on personal financial planning.
Provide a testimonial about why you pledge to TOLUUC.
Be a Greeter/Visitor Aide Sunday morning once a month
Be a Greeter for special events.
Facilitate a Faith Forward Session (we provide the curriculum).
Bring a friend to service.
Bring a friend to a special event.
Help staff an informational table at community events like Woodstock Pride.
Tell a friend or relative what you like about Tree of Life.
Like us and share our posts on Facebook or Instagram.
Comment on our posts on Facebook or Instagram.
Give us a good Google/Yelp/etc. review.
Become a Member.
Welcome our new members after Welcoming Ceremonies.
Welcome new people in the Zoom chat on Sunday mornings.
Introduce yourself to new people on Zoom, or in the social room after a service. Ask them what they thought about the service or ask them how they found us.
Invite somebody new out to lunch after church.
Build new name tag holder station for clip on badges.
Join the Membership Development committee- we meet once a month on the 4th Wednesday 7pm.
Share your talents and insights at monthly Social Justice meetings.
Volunteer at the Community Resource Day in TOLUUC’s Compassion for Campers room.
Moderate a Social Justice book discussion.
Help make posters for rallies and parades and participate representing TOLUUC.
Help with letter/postcard campaigns for Social Justice actions.
Share ideas on getting Social Justice mission and visibility out in the community.
Assist with grant writing and fund raising for Compassion for Campers and other SJ outreach.
Provide small repairs around church.
Help with gardening.
Participate in an All Church Work Day (cleaning up inside and out).
Be on the Building & Grounds committee.
Clean leaves from around drains around building on regular basis
Clean up branches.
Clean out and organize the basement.
Learn to program lights and/or furnaces.
Be a religious exploration teacher (training provided).
Be a substitute teacher.
Help with holiday pageant or other special projects.
Train to be an OWL (Our Whole Lives human sexuality) facilitator.
Provide childcare for Inquirers after church.
Attend religious exploration regularly (for children and youth).
Attend young adult gatherings.
Participate in at least one Faith Forward program.
Provide plants for the youth group plant sale.
Shop at the youth group plant sale and bring a friend.
Attend the book club.
Join the choir.
Provide rides.
Make a meal for someone in need.
Send sympathy cards.
Join the Caring Committee.
Join the Music Committee.
Get involved in denominational affairs like attending General Assembly or Article II work.
Volunteer in the office (shredding old files, data entry, help with special mailing
Feel free to write in any other commitments. Thank you for helping Tree of Life be an amazing place to grow.
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