Tree of Life UU Congregation 2021-22 Pledge Form

We need your generous support so that we can budget in a way that is both realistic and aspirational. Our goal is $226,000 in pledge income. Maintaining our programming, staff, and buildings and grounds costs approximately $1300 annually per pledge unit.

We deeply appreciate your support for our community regardless of how much you are able to give.
Please indicate your promise of support to Worshiping, Learning, Caring and Connecting, and Community Outreach at Tree of Life. 
to Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation (TOLUUC) for the pledge/fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022.
Please select one option.
For Electronic Payment Options

TOLUUC accepts online payments!  After you hit the Submit button at the bottom of this page you will see a link to our online giving page. You can setup recurring payments, or you can make a one-time donation of additional support. Select 2021/22 Pledge.

If you have questions or need assistance with electronic pledges or donations, please contact our Office Administrator, Judy Stettner, at
Other Commitments

While financial commitments are absolutely necessary to any congregation, we also rely on the donation of your time and talents. Please consider in what ways you can help our congregation thrive in the coming fiscal year.
Time Commitment

Examples: How many hours you plan to give to the church weekly or monthly to help with events, usher, greet, make coffee, sing, teach, lead a discussion group, or be on a committee (Adult Faith Formation, Building & Grounds, Community Care, Endowment, Fellowship, Member Development, Music, Religious Education, Social Justice, Sound and Technology, Stewardship, Worship Arts) . 

Talent Commitment

Examples: Interior Decorating, Carpentry, Graphic Design, Photography, Accounting, Legal Advice, Teaching Skills, etc. Professional skills can be donated to the church and receive an In Kind Donation form use for tax purposes.


We need your generous support so that we can budget in a way that is both realistic and aspirational. Our goal is $226,000 in pledge income. Maintaining our programming, staff, and buildings and grounds costs approximately $1300 annually per pledge unit.

We deeply appreciate your support for our community regardless of how much you are able to give.